Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Celebration of Hope

A couple weeks ago I had the opportunity to attend the Celebration of Hope. The event was a fund raiser for CASA Court Appointed Special Advocate. The event was put on by Deschutes Brewery and 100% of the proceeds went to CASA. I have to admit that until this night I had never heard of this organization. 

CASA is a non profit organization that provides a trained court appointed special advocate to represent the best interest of abused and neglected children of the court. Please visit this page, What Is CASA? to find out more.

I had the chance to talk to one of the board members and he shared some stories about the different volunteers. What an amazing group. The next event is The Light of Hope, a 1k, 5k, 10k run on April 22, 2012. Register today!
~GG Photography~

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Selecting the Right Wedding Photographer

Selecting the right wedding photographer is more than just finding a photographer that fits into your budget, quality over quantity so to speak. When you are looking for a photographer for your wedding look through their past wedding photos and ask yourself, does their style fit into what you have envisioned your pictures to be. Ask if your photographer if they shoot in digital or film and if they shoot in film do them do black and white film. Find out if the person you are talking to is actually the person taking photos or will it be some else and if so can you meet that person. In addition, if there is an assistant, can you meet that person as well? Question how many times this particular photo has shot a wedding and how many were similar to size and format yours. Another thing to ask is, how much equipment is will they be bringing such as lighting equipment, tripods, etc. Last, do not be afraid to ask for references. I know it is uncomfortable to call somebody you do not know but these photos will be one of the lasting aspects of your wedding day. Hope this helps in the process of selecting a wedding photographer for you.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Dress the kids up in their St. Patty clothes and have their photo taken
for only $35. Includes 8X10 print plus digital file. 
Call now for appointment 541.279.8816
Now through March 17, 2012

Also please read this Pay It Forward

Monday, January 30, 2012

Pay It Forward

I have this friend and coworker that was diagnosed with cancer a while back. I will leave the name of this person unknown to respect their privacy. Since the time of the diagnoses she has had surgery and has now started the Chemo side of her treatment. In the last week her hair has started to fall out. I'm asking if we can all donate hats for her. It could be a ball cap, something fancier than a ball cap, a beanie cap, what ever you think a women might like; something fashionable. Contact me at 541-279-8816 or mike@grindstaffgallery.com for questions and how we can get all these wonderful hats to this special women.
~GG Photography~

Friday, January 27, 2012

Happy Friday and a photo tip

First of all hope everybody had a great week! Second the photo tip. Has anybody heard of the sunny 16 rule? The rule is in bright sun you set your f stop to F16 (aperture) and set your shutter speed to match your ISO. So say you are at a family reunion outside and it is a nice sunny day. Take your camera and set it on manual mode, then set your aperture to F16, say your ISO is set at 100, set your shutter speed to 1/100. Hope this will helps get that great shot. Have a great weekend all!
~GG Photography~

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Today there is not going to be a photo tip, I'm not going to try to sell or advertise something. I just want to say that I love all of those in my life. I'm also so happy to have my brand new nephew, Aiden Michael, home with his mom and dad healthy and happy, so happy for you sis. Have a great day everybody!
~GG Photography~

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

ISO, What is It?

ISO, what is that? What does it do? What in the world does it stand for? Well first, it stands for International Organization for Standardization an organization based in Switzerland. They apparently set many standards for measurement, one of which is light sensitivity. That is what ISO is, the measurement of light sensitivity of your cameras sensor.
The higher the ISO number setting the more sensitive your sensor is to light. The exact opposite can be said for lower ISO settings. Usually you would use a higher number to gain faster shutter speeds in lower light situations. Lower numbers would be used outside on sunny days. Generally, the lowest you can go is 100, however some cameras go down to 50.
The draw back with higher ISO settings is that as the number gets higher images start to look grainy, that is digital noise. Most people seem to leave the camera set in auto mode, which lets the camera set the ISO. The camera will try to select the lowest number but many cameras let you select your ISO. I encourage you play around with your settings and happy shooting!  

Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Rule of Thirds

Hi all, today I thought I would share another photo tip. The rule of thirds is used to draw the eye away from the center of the image. Here is and example where the subject is in the middle of the image. 
Notice how with the subject in the center he kinda get lost in everything around him. Now here is the same image only now the subject is in the bottom third and right third of the image.
Now the subject stands out from the background, is more appealing to the eye, and also makes for a more interesting image.
One more thing to remember with any rule in art there are always exceptions, go out, shoot some images, and  have fun! 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Happy Hump Day!

It's Wednesday and what a cold blustery day it is. Bend Schools are enjoying a snow day, while the Redmond kids are off school, jealous of those Bend kids for sure. As for me I have a day of doing a little cleaning around the house, a couple of errands, and just hanging out with my little one. Should be fun! GG Photography wishing you a happy humpday! Also we hit 100+ likes on Facebook last night, thanks to all those who clicked that "Like" button.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Valentines Day Special

So here it is, the GG Photography Valentines Day Promo. Take advantage of this great deal today!

Happy Tuesday

GG Photography hopes everybody has had a great start to there week. Today I have the pleasure of volunteering in my daughters preschool class and it's Blue Day! Found this little page on histograms Understanding Histograms. Histograms are a great tool to help you properly expose an image, enjoy and have a great day!

Monday, January 16, 2012

A Friends help

Just wanted to give a shout out and a thanks to my friend Matt and his new fiance, Morgan, for modeling for me for a Valentine promotion that will start tomorrow. Have a great week everybody!